Dear Mildred,
If there was any good news would like to write it, but when it is about all bad news sometimes do not think it is worth writing. Glenna has just recently left. She came by from Spring Hill Cemetery and stopped to tell me about Lillian Dixon. She is in Methodist Hospital Room 217 - with a place on her arm that I am afraid is malignant, and afraid she waited too long to have anything done for it. A test has been taken & sent to the labratory but not heard from. Write her if you have time. Certainly am missing her although she just went Friday. Your Dad and I, are percolating about as usual.
Glenna was telling us to about Alice Albright, Sam Hunter's sister - falling and breaking her hip, said she was already so blind she had to be led around. Have not heard from Allen in several days - so do not know whether or not Jr's hair has arrived.
Lillian was saying not long ago, (before Mrs. Dixon left, Allen was over there and
said, she was getting to be right jealous because several she knew had gotten to be
Grandmas and she hadn't.
Have you gotten the puppy? James had Malone send you?
With two mother dogs - guess we will Eventually be well stocked.
Magnolia is not helping now. Several Cotton picking Trucks have been coming through here and getting hands to pick cotton at $2.50 & 3.00 a hundred and of course she makes more money that way - Can't think of any thing else outragous to write.
Love to each of you,
From Mother
Copy provided by Mary Kay Dancy Smith - transcribed, as is, sans editing: February 16, 2000 - corrections: 4/22/00 jkd